Chapter 14

Change Simply Is




As Autumn Begins

New Earth Simplicity

Have you noticed?


Winter Solstice and the New Earth

Illumined Ease

Change Simply Is

two butterflies and flowers


August 07, 2016

In older, earth-based cultures, where the circle of the year was consistently honored by harmonizing with the cycle of the seasons, August 1st was celebrated as midsummer.

Midsummer, the point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox, was the beginning of harvest-time.

The actual calendar point of midsummer, this year, was August 6th.  We have now entered the second half of Summer.

And what of our harvest?  Our harvest can be many things.

Our harvest may be inner or outer.  Our harvest may be satisfaction in our accomplishments, and/or opening ourselves to our further potential.

We may be successfully addressing anything which no longer serves us, that which stands in the way of our moving forward into that which we envision.

Where are we going?  What are we envisioning?  What are we cultivating?

In a world in which there is now accelerated change ongoing, and where there is the constant juxtaposition of the Old Earth and the New Earth, balancing among the Old and the New is of increasing significance.

Where do we place ourselves on the continuum between the Old and the New?  And where do we choose to be?

Summer’s beauty provides for us a mirror of that which is possible  — Harmony, Balance, Peace.

Energy flows where our attention goes.

Harmony and Peace are powerful energy fields which, when deeply felt within ourselves, are radiated outward.

They are like a stream which flows through the surrounding terrain, bringing an oasis to the landscape.

The oasis becomes our experience.  That which we radiate, we also attract.

Here is the New Earth, the New Garden Earth, beginning to be felt as experience.

Midsummer contains within it the feeling of the harvest, beckoning us toward even greater fruition as Autumn begins.


August 19, 2016

Though this is observable, it is more positively energizing — for ourselves and the planet — to keep our attention point on Harmony, Balance and Peace.

Currently we are in a highly unusual period of three Eclipses in a row.  The August 18th Full Moon was also a Lunar Eclipse.  At the New Moon on September 1st, there will be a Solar Eclipse.  There will be another Lunar Eclipse during the following Full Moon on September 16th.

The energy released at these Full Moon, New Moon and Eclipse times most noticeably affects us for about three days following the event.  We also feel a buildup of the energy for about three days prior.

If we attune to these cycles, our own energy is intentionally enhanced by these larger rhythms in beneficial ways.

During this four weeks rhythm from Full Moon to New Moon to Harvest Full Moon, and from Lunar Eclipse to Solar Eclipse to Lunar Eclipse, we may enjoy — within ourselves — the arrival of new inspiration, and/or a courageous expansion of our expression.

As connectors between the finite and the infinite, rooted on Earth, Eclipse may prove to be for us a metaphor — eclipsing the Old and more fully anchoring the New.

Here is a beautiful opportunity for a new level of harmonious energy dance expressing through us, within a cosmic rhythm.

In modern society, those who are aware of the cycles of the Sun and the Moon are few.  Yet, in this electric universe, we are all affected by solar and lunar movements.

It is to our advantage to recognize the rhythmic dance of energy of which we are a part.

Reflected sunlight is the reason that we can see the moon.  The electromagnetic pulses from the sun are also reflected by the moon.  Gravity is electromagnetism.  The moon's gravity affects the tides.  Because we are comprised largely of water, we are affected similarly.

During the intensity of Full Moon and New Moon and Eclipse times, behavior patterns and personality characteristics are magnified.  Extremes are not uncommon.


September 08, 2016

About two weeks ago I rediscovered my knitting needles.  For the first time in nearly three years I re-entered the world of fiber arts.

After my most recent weaving project, yarn had been set aside when other preoccupations came to the forefront — including the complexity of movie editing.

Now, what a welcome change — low tech, nothing to plug in, no noise, no software updates.

With the simple rhythm of knit-purl, and the tactile pleasure of soft yarn slipping through my fingers with every stitch, I feel a sense of reach-out-and-touch tangible accomplishment.  As my project steadily comes into form — stitch by stitch — I also see it as a metaphor: anything we want to create happens sequentially, step by step.  All it takes is focused attention.

My return to the enjoyment of working with yarn is also, for me, a harbinger of further change.

My fascination with fiber arts began when I was six.  Color and texture and design have been threaded (no pun intended) through my life, at intervals, for years.  Now they have come around again, to be applied in a new way.  Forthcoming.

For now, it is satisfying to have reawakened the link with the thousands of years old primitive beginnings of the textile world that surrounds us today.  There is a pleasure in one-of-a-kind that has become elusive in the modern world where quantity instead of quality has been rampant for so long.

During these quiet moments with my maple wood needles and yarn, I also see beyond my knitting to the trees and the sky through the large sunshine-filled window I am facing.

My thoughts are expansive, as I enjoy the feeling of creating a throw which will be attractive and useful for years.

I am delighting in the direct experience of results that I can touch with my hands.  It has been a while.

As Autumn Begins

September 23, 2016

Within ourselves, we feel the contrast.

Amid this world of contrasts, we inherently know where vitality is accessed.  It is accessed within ourselves.  It finds expression though the choices we make that are in harmony with what simply feels right to us, that which is delightedly heart-felt.

As we make these choices, step by perfect step, this expansive vitality grows — and grows, and grows.  It brings to us an unimaginable harvest.  The translation of this harvest — how it manifests — is in accord with our desires, that which we choose to create.

In the energy of this Harvest Moon, the New Earth — the New Garden Earth — has received an unprecedented magnification, which will become increasingly visible.  Together with the renewal of our own expansive vitality and expression, this we can celebrate.

Happy Autumn!

Today is the first full day of Autumn.  In the early morning hours, well before sunrise, the now waning Harvest Full Moon shone brightly, casting a glow of peaceful beauty.

With this Last Quarter phase of the Harvest Moon, and the beginning of Autumn, there is clearly an energy shift.  New vitality is astir — on many levels.  Ongoing change is in the Autumn air, energized.

Looking at the outer world, globally, we see eruptions — both human and volcanic. We see earthquakes, as we also see the continual shaking apart of old systems.  We see changes in the weather patterns, and we see changes in the weather of collective human expression and behavior.  Not surprisingly, we see extremes.  We recognize that extremes — as with the movement of a pendulum — are always present until a balance point is reached.

Earth is moving into her new balance, and humanity must do the same.

During this process of inevitable change, we see the increasingly stark contrast between the Old Earth and the New Earth.

New Earth Simplicity

October 14, 2016

Harmony is simple.

Kindness is simple.

Peace is simple.

Balance is simple.

Straightforward communication is simple.

Respectfulness for Earth is simple.

Renewable energy is simple.

Being kind to ourselves is simple.

Being kind to others is simple.

Choosing nutritious food is simple.

Sincerity is simple.

Unpretentiousness is simple.

Naturalness is simple.

Encouraging clarity is simple.

Creativity is simple.

Heart-felt collaboration is simple.

Collaborative creative solutions are simple.

Attuning to the seasons is simple.

Appreciating Nature is simple.

Noticing the sunshine is simple.

Enjoying the moonlight is simple.

Gratitude is simple.

A few years ago I learned — from more than one source — that the phrase, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” is a mistranslation of the aramaic.  A more accurate translation is, “Blessed are the simple, for they shall inherit the earth.”

Comparing the most well known translation of the third Beatitude with the accurate one, we see that the original aramaic meaning has been significantly misconstrued by the use of the word “meek”.  It is also misconstrued by a lesser known translation which is “gentle”.

Perhaps we have noticed that the meek, far from inheriting the earth, tend to become a doormat for others who are assertively on their way to wherever they are going.  The simple, however, are positioned quite differently.  The simple stand inside the gateway to the New Earth, welcoming.

And who, in this context, are “the simple”?

The simple are those who are aligned with simplicity, that which is simple:

The list is endless.  If anything noted here seems less than simple, consider what happens — or has happened — without this simplicity.

In contrast to the Old Earth, the simplicity of the New Earth is visionary.  It is also powerful — aligned with, and imbued with, Source energy undiminished.

I can hear the laughter ringing out among all those who have arrived inside the gateway, and who are beckoning.  Inside the gateway is Harmony.  Inside Harmony, there is true magic.

This is New Earth Simplicity.

Have you noticed?

November 10, 2016

Have you noticed that energy flows where attention goes?

Have you noticed that the concepts we hold filter/limit/diminish our ability to perceive clearly?

Have you noticed that energy is depleted by the weight we feel on our shoulders and instantly revitalized by lightness of spirit?

Have you noticed that we are often so busy with the roles we are playing — and the masks and personas which we present — that we have no time for who we are?

Have you noticed that Unconditional Love — simply accepting us as we are — has no strings, no judgements and no expectations?

Have you noticed that, in a world in which change simply is, the only “forevers” are  intangible?

And have you noticed that, despite the drama in the outer world, the sun rises with the promise of a new day, the sun sets, stars fill the night sky — and Harmony, Balance and Peace are always available within ourselves?


December 10, 2016

As energy beings expressing, the balance we feel within ourselves is radiated outward.  Then, with “other”, we can together express — as with Sun and Moon — within a balanced energy dance of shared Light.

Where there is balance, expansive energy is felt readily and expansion in our expression takes place naturally and with ease.

Within the New Earth, the New Garden Earth, the harmonious and peaceful energy dance of collaborative expansion  — expressed in outer world activity, as well as quiet being-ness — takes root.

This new rootedness is becoming more tangible with every Full Moon.

And thereafter, when the Sun and the Moon come into balance in the morning sky, the metaphor again reminds us of our own inherent balance and the joyfully expansive dance which continues to unfold — step by perfect step.

We are truly living within a new dawn, and a new energy dance.

A few weeks ago, in the quiet of the early morning, I watched the Sun rise above the tree line to the East while the Moon was lowering over the tree line toward the West.  The sky was clear as I observed the movement of the Sun and the Moon coming into balance in their positions above the horizon.

This visual metaphor, observable for a few days following each Full Moon, has fascinated me for years.  Across the sky, one is seeing the Moon reflecting the Sun’s light.

To me, this balance in the sky is a metaphor for balance between the masculine and feminine — both within ourselves and in juxtaposition with “other”.

Winter Solstice and the New Earth

December 21, 2016

Expansion of Earth’s natural light occurs in three ways: Sunrise (daily), the Moon waxing toward Full (every 28 days), the Winter Solstice (annually).

In older cultures, natural light was precious.  It provided the opportunity to accomplish what was needed for survival.

With the development of the lightbulb, and the availability of instant light, a progression unfolded which gradually created enormous change.

The modern landscape, though teeming with marvelous inventions, has become one of frenetic activity, clutter, distractions and noise.  We can barely hear the whispers which call us to awaken from the world of illusion which tells us that busyness is life.  This is the culmination of the “modern era” within the Old Earth concepts.

Juxtaposed with this culmination, there is a fourth “natural light” increasingly affecting Earth.  This light, arriving in waves, is being measured with amazing instrumentation.  Direct correlations are being made with earthquakes and other weather phenomena.

We ourselves are not immune.  Humanity is being affected constantly, whether consciously or not — shaken to the very core; old programs and concepts are being dissolved, creating space for the new.

Amid these waves, humanity approaches a threshold.  Across the threshold is the welcoming New Earth, increasingly visible.

Here, instead of taking cues — calls to action, however subtle or blatant — from outside ourselves, we are centered in our own knowingness.  Knowingness is clarity which has as its foundation Harmony, Balance and Peace — and a wide view.

Today is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and the beginning of the expansion of the Sun’s light, once again.

This MiniBlog has been written to provide a new context — specifically a New Earth context — for Winter Solstice 2015, the MiniVideo I made and sent forth last year at the Solstice.  Though the title contains a date, the message (1m 46s) is timeless.  Should you choose to take a look, for this holiday season, here is the Vimeo link:

Illumined Ease

January 25, 2017

Yoga of flow is a light-hearted way of describing a process wherein we are in alignment with a wider view than our eyes perceive.

Here, an invisible compass indicates a new and pleasing direction — step by step.

There are few decisions.  The primary decision is simply to be aligned with our yoga of flow and welcome the gifts within it.

It is a consistent process of discovery, heart-directed.  We ask ourselves, “What feels right?”  Mind serves heart.  Discernment, through heart-mind balance, is essential in keeping us on course.

When on course, it is as though everything is synchronized.  It becomes easy to surrender any concept of how the pathway will unfold.

Sequence by sequence, we discover it is a lighted path.

Staying within the illumined path, we see that everything on the periphery is dimmer and less attractive.  The contrast is obvious to our feelings.

Even when opening onto a new landscape, our steps feel sure-footed.  There is nothing to decide; there is knowingness.

Trusting in the ease of our yoga of flow will happily bring us into the New Garden Earth.

Change Simply Is

February 27, 2017

One cannot help noticing that the outer world is astir with change.

This is not surprising.  The planetary energy is increasingly intense and the rheostat for change is, correspondingly, increasingly turned up.

And, within this intense energy, where are we?  We have choice.

For ourselves, within ourselves, we can choose that which we desire to create.  We can also choose to be collaboratively co-creative within the flow of change.

Whatever change we may desire takes place within a sequential process.

Mantra-like, for many months, I have been hearing:  “Simply focus as inspired, step by step.”

This inspiration comes from an overview which provides a foundation.  That is, there isn’t room for distraction.

Without distraction, one can “simply focus as inspired” — and with relative ease.

The only way to traverse a pathway is step-by-step focus.  When there is a compass point, and thus a sense of direction, movement is clearly defined.  One enjoys the scenery along the way.

The scenery we can enjoy is primarily perceived through feeling.

Harmony, Balance and Peace are within this scenery.  The outer landscape, and all of our interactions, reflect this back to us.

Change simply is.  And if we choose carefully, and focus well, it takes us exactly where we desire to go.